4th of July Greetings
From the team at Insight Retail Software

The first half of 2020 has really gotten our attention. Lots going on in the world and many changes to our idea of “normal”. However, the United States of America was founded on ideals of freedom, justice, and liberty, and each 4th of July the nation takes a moment to reflect on those ideals and celebrate the country’s independence. This year it will be different but we will still celebrate.

This post was inspired by our team member Melanie Lauramore from Trophy Club, TX where she is the neighborhood captain of their “Trophy Club Stars and Stripes” 4th of July Flag project. Trophy Club Stars and Stripes was introduced to the town in 2011 and has become an annual tradition of residents working together to line the streets of Trophy Club with American flags.  Beginning July 2nd, residents and visitors again have the opportunity to experience a display of 35,000-40,000 flags waving throughout the town as they drive, bike, walk, and jog through the streets of Trophy Club. The highly Patriotic sight makes one proud and thankful for sacrifices made by men and women around the world who protect America’s freedoms. This is truly the season “to unite the Town of Trophy Club in the spirit of American Patriotism”. Thanks Melanie for your passion and your part in teaching these important values to your children.

Our InsightRS Team, that is located across the United States, sends our best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday. We want to say thanks to each and every customer, vendor and friend that we work with. We appreciate you all.

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